Help needed at the Roding Valley Half Marathon on Sunday 7th November.
The club urgently needs help with the Roding Valley Half Marathon on Sunday 7th November.
For the next 24 to 48 hours saying that the website is being updated and to check back, but in the meantime they can still enter via the link to the online entries, which is here
Even before the pandemic, I had decided to try having the RVHM in the autumn as there were increasing numbers of clashes with other events in the traditional early March date.
As ever, I need a significant amount of help on the day, specifically:
• About 40 to 45 marshals (some for only a short time, others for up to 2 to 2.5 hours depending on where you are on the course
• About 5 or 6 people to hand out race numbers and do entries on the day (start at about 7:30, but finish by 9am). Alex W hopefully on the computer.
• 2 people on the baggage store – start about 8am, finish by 12.
• Young athletes to help at the water stations (previously run by Mark Gilbert and Alex Bird outside Ashtons and Cowsi up at Chigwell)
As you will appreciate it is a lot of stress for me to get this organised (this is now the 32nd year in a row I have done this), so please reply here or email me at
Many thanks